Well, when you look at this picture, you might think it is from a winter wonderland. Well, it is not. These pictures were taken outside my home on the West Shore of Victoria, in Langford. The snow at our elevation has been a bit more than in downtown Victoria, but quite frankly, we have all had enough. There have been at least three four-wheel drive vehicles stuck in front of my house. My Christmas decorations are buried under several feet of snow. Only part of the head of my reindeer is showing and the trunk of my tree is buried. I cannot drive out of my cul-de-sac and walking is treacherous. I saw a large transport truck stuck this morning on the road behind the grocery store. The driver was digging out. Boy what a job for him. The main roads are OK and the scenery is beautiful. But, it is a pain in the neck. In 1996, we had about twice this much snow and for a few days the entire city did not move. Well, this time, the entire city has slowed somewhat. The bottom line is that the city is not used to this and the snow soon gets wet and heavy and creates even more problems. I grew up on the prairie and experienced weeks of 40 below and really bad driving conditions, but most often we could drive. Not so in my neighbourhood. I am lucky, I live close enough to stores to walk, so I do. If this sounds like a complaint, it is. Otherwise, life is good and the scenery beautiful. I see another weather front moving down Juan de Fuca strait as I write this. Looks like more snow tonight. Soon I will need a step ladder to get the snow to the top of the pile. Merry Christmas. I know ours is going to be white.
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