Excitement abounds on a whale watching and eco tour on the West Coast of Canada out of Tofino. There is so much to see and do that 3 hours passes very quickly. We were lucky enough to see both grey and humpback whales, seals, sealions, otters, tons of sea birds including bald eagles and puffins, dolphins, and some of the most amazing scenery in the woirld. When you are on an island like Vancouver Island, if you are not out on the water for some great experiences then you really have "missed the boat". This tour was through the Whale Centre in Tofino and we certainly recommend them. They are safe, take out only small groups, provide excellent commentary throughout from the captain and naturalist, and they have tons of experience as all the captains grew up in Tofino and spent their lives on the water. Come and enjoy!
For more great photos of this exciting adventure and ecotour, check out our Facebook Page.
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