This last weekend was the annual Swiftsure Yacht Race. It is actually a number of races, the longest going from Clovepoint on Dallas Road to the Swiftsure Bank which is just after the opening of Juan de Fuca Strait. It is a festive time and a serious race. It is one of the many special events and activities that visitors to Victoria can take part in. All of the sailboats congregate at Cloverpoint. It is quite a site to see hundreds of boats under sail getting ready for the start of the race. The shoreline is lined with thousands of people who come to watch the race. For more information on activities in Victoria, Click Here! From May to September is special event time in Victoria. When you get here, check the local paper, the Times Colonist (especially the Thursday edition), or ask at the accommodation you are staying at. They will likely know what is on.
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