I have been able to live the current portion of my existence on the planet in a free country with a democratically elected government and I have not had to go to war to protect that freedom. I owe that to those who have gone before me and fought to protect the "free" world and give us our freedom. When I decided to move to Victoria from Alberta, I just did it. I didn't have to ask, to go through government red tape, nothing! I feel so lucky to have a life without war. It bothers me that there is still so much conflict in the world and that the young men and women of our country have to be in places like Afganistan to try and protect the freedoms of others. Just today, someone threw acid on some young girls who were going to school in Afganistan. We are so lucky and we owe such a gratitude of debt to those who have lost their lives and given them so freely for our country. Lest we forget! It was great to see so many people at our Nov. 11th ceremony where I live. The vets in the parade are at the top left.
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