Victoria has a long history of mystery, intreague and hauntings. Bastion Square's Maritime Museum used to be the court house and Judge Begbie, the hanging judge as he was called, worked here. Bastion Square is supposed to be haunted. Camille's restaurant in Bastion Square has a special table set for haunted residents. On Belleville Street, the Judge's House which is now part of Gatsby Mansion was called the "Haunted House" and was a tourist attraction. The attraction is now closed, but the house is really haunted. Other attractions in Victoria are also haunted. Those include Point Ellice House and Craigdarroch Castle. St. Ann's Academy is also haunted and on Halloween they often put on a program about paranormal activities. The Empress Hotel has great ghost history and you can take tours of the Empress. There are also stories about a ghostly lady who appears on one of the holes at the Victoria Golf Course and there is much more. A local historian, John Adams conducts Ghostly Walks every night at 7:30 p.m.from now until Oct. 23. Johns Ghostly Walks take place every night at 7:30, plus Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 and 9:30 pm. These start at the Tourism Victoria Visitor Info Centre at the north-east corner of the Inner Harbour. The schedule increases from Oct. 24-Nov. 1 when John offer tours everynight at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30 pm, starting from the lobby of the Bedford Regency Hotel. From Nov. 8 through the end of Feb. the tours continue on Saturday nights at 7:30 pm from the Visitor Info Centre. Check out John's Web Site
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