Whales, whales and more whales....all Orcas. Today we were out with Great Pacific Adventures aboard the King Salmon. This large vessel could keep pace with the zodiacs so it took little time to get to the whales. The views from the cabin are through large clean panoramic windows...and wow what views. We had views of the Olympic Mountains, the beautiful homes along Dallas Road in Victoria and then in Oak Bay, and the Islands we passed, Trial and Discovery.
Up stairs there is a large viewing area on top of the boat. Our Captain Joanne guided us to within a safe distance that protects the whales and naturalist Nate did an amazing job of providing us with information about the area and the whales. Did you know that Trial Island got its name because the Canadian Navy used to bring their ships there to circumnavigate the Island to test how sea worth the vessels were?
We spent the afternoon with L pod, one of the three resident Orca (Killer Whale) pods that spend the spring and summer around Victoria. Visit our Facebook page where the pictures and captions tell the story. We were lucky to see a brand new baby whale born just days ago. In addition to whales we saw both Dahls and Harbour Porpoises, seals, a bald eage and many sea birds. We had a wonderful time...we certainly can recommend this outfit to you. Well done gang.
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