Obviously, we have been bragging to much about how little, if any snow Victoria gets. Well all that changed last night. We had a dump over night and the sun is expected to come out today, but that will bring with it much cooler temperatures. The forcast for Monday and Tuesday is overnight lows of minus 5 C. For my American friends, that is 23 F. Burr...
The hummingbirds are at the feeder about ever 30 seconds. They look cold and hungry. Eveything is covered in snow. The corn cob above looked delicous and ready to eat...alas it is frozen solid!
Well, it keeps us humble, for a short time anyway.
Winter has settled in. Now, we will just wait for it to melt. The sidewalks and driveways have melted clear already.
The hummingbirds are at the feeder about ever 30 seconds. They look cold and hungry. Eveything is covered in snow. The corn cob above looked delicous and ready to eat...alas it is frozen solid!
Well, it keeps us humble, for a short time anyway.
Winter has settled in. Now, we will just wait for it to melt. The sidewalks and driveways have melted clear already.
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